
life notes

pardon me if I say anything that is plainly common, but these are big leap-forwards to me:

  • nine out of ten, the things you are encountering, you are experiencing daily, are of no meaning. Any reasons you think are justifiable for some meaningful goals, there are equal number proving the contrary, if not more.
  • good does not go along well with interests, unless interests themselves are composed of good. Only in very rare occasions, considerations on interests can be placed second to goods.
  • we live in a world with no new things- things that have been, are things that are.
  • we lose things everyday- things that have been, are things no longer are. Taking the plants and animal, we see the origin of those living now days, we can't have them anymore. It's said crocodiles can be traced back to 40 million years ago with almost identical shape and tactics, what a survivor!
  • our future lies in physics- the developments both in macro and micro ways. Anything that could benefit and nurture it, we ought to exert the most. If the war, the climate change tragedy, or the superpower dominance could, so be it!
  • maybe we just dream, or we are dream. The dream is probably too wild or weak, there will be wakening up. I am sure you and me are not going to catch it, let the last of our specie to have it.
  • time- is that sometime the most absurd to have this feeling in wasting it? I think we are entitled to say "I have plenty of it". What are you hurrying for?
  • It's the fear that having no securing should be laughed at- since so many in this world have the fear, I think we still have to run for a while.
  • democratic, very well said the root "demo", for the trying of our last chance to our fate, let's vote!
  • aren't we having too many people? is it out-ranged?
