
Olympic Sydrome

Olympic Syndrome

Why China is so fragile in handling with the problems concerning Olympic Games? People suddenly found themselves in the center of trouble over the night.

When I surf on the net, I hear quarrels and disputes. Under the name to "host a OG best ever in 2008", some appeal to unite to fight back Da Lai La Ma, and his complices including some important political leaders in the US or France. They thought that their interests are compromised or even threatened by those whose sympathy given to the Tibetan partitionists.

Politics is dim dangerous and ever-changing, we must choice not to appeal to it often. Sadly my fellow Chinese, young in particular, are so enthusiastic talking things with political accent. Historically we are the most frequently sacrificed sheep on the altar of political movements. We just cannot learn the lesson.

Carrefour is under threat, one in QingDao was attacked today. Worst thing is the unawareness of the worst that is coming. Govt thought they can afford playing the game and controlling the situation? I don't think they forget the gunshot and bloodshed in Heavenly Peace Square 19 years ago. I hope the young angry people won't forget it either, and I know them are quite easy-to-forget...you want to let the devil out the jar? you go...
