
Japan: A Mirror to China

Japan: A Mirror to China (1)

Lying across the Huang Sea and the Dong Sea, geologically facing west to China, Japan acts as a mirror to China.

Historically, Japan has learnt a lot from the Central Kingdom of China. Especially during the time of Sui and Tang Dynasty, a thousand years ago. They send Qian-Tang-Shi to China, a delegation of pupil and emissary in studying and learning. Equally, Tang also had some people going to Japan, Jian-Zhen, a very respected Buddhist, brought Buddhism to Japan.

Even mush before Tang, in Dynasty of Qin, the first unified empire in the history of China, about 220 BC, legend says the emperor sent 500 boys and girl sailing to east, in search of unknown drug for an eternal life. This bunch of people are well known as XuFu's people both in China and Japan, as they are led by a man called XuFu- they never came back to the Central Kingdom again, rumor says that they have make their come across Japan the settled themselves down there since after. The is a "XuFu Convention" in Taiwan, Japan or some Southeast Asia countries every year, many people from Japan and China will show up the meeting- they are XuFu's people.

Since 1200 AC, the bilateral relationship turned hostile. China was totally controlled by Mongolian at the time. Yuan Dynasty encouraged an expansion policy to launched an army in conquest of Japan. After defeating the Yuan fleet in a windy day, Japan kept an important custom of celebration on this very anniversary. I suppose they became very concerning on the big neighbor and have been on constant alert about China. Japan were quite aware of the fact: had the Storm not arrived to the coast where Mongolia fleet harbored, they may have been prisoned in a cage, or maybe worse- as Mongolian usually raze the city or country who rebelled.

Since then, the two countries kept virtually no contact with each other. When Japanese showed their face in China again, time had shifted to the late Ming Dynasty- an interval of 400 years or so. Warlords seize the power in Japan, and Samuel or rangers began to loot China's Southeast coast areas as pirate. The infestation sometimes traumatized the whole South part of China involving 6,7 provinces, constituting a fatal threat to Ming Empire. Chinese Government deployed a "door-shut" policy in closing the whole seaside area in Southeast, relocating people inland on a colossal scale. Fortresses even seaside "great wall" were made facing the oncoming "East-Ocean Japes"from the sea.

This is the first negative impression they left to Chinese, the image of barbarian, greedy and brutal.


Mark the Words

Mark the Words

"they share the same protagonist, the devil...the prince of darkness..."

(the Ninth Gate, Balkan, a bookseller, a collector of ancient authentic book)

"Are we so good?"

(Bitter Moon, are you lovers really so good?)

"...and what you do? you're going to reward George, and destroy Charlie."

(Scent of Women, lieutenant Colonel S.W .Slad, how can you destroy Charlie you Bead bum?)

Olympic Sydrome

Olympic Syndrome

Why China is so fragile in handling with the problems concerning Olympic Games? People suddenly found themselves in the center of trouble over the night.

When I surf on the net, I hear quarrels and disputes. Under the name to "host a OG best ever in 2008", some appeal to unite to fight back Da Lai La Ma, and his complices including some important political leaders in the US or France. They thought that their interests are compromised or even threatened by those whose sympathy given to the Tibetan partitionists.

Politics is dim dangerous and ever-changing, we must choice not to appeal to it often. Sadly my fellow Chinese, young in particular, are so enthusiastic talking things with political accent. Historically we are the most frequently sacrificed sheep on the altar of political movements. We just cannot learn the lesson.

Carrefour is under threat, one in QingDao was attacked today. Worst thing is the unawareness of the worst that is coming. Govt thought they can afford playing the game and controlling the situation? I don't think they forget the gunshot and bloodshed in Heavenly Peace Square 19 years ago. I hope the young angry people won't forget it either, and I know them are quite easy-to-forget...you want to let the devil out the jar? you go...


18 April 2008- trainning day

it's my training day, typical, I woke up at 9, turned on TV to overview financial news- markets, comments, announcements, coming events. Meanwhile I had my breakfast, usually bread+butter, milk, sometime coffee, normally not. If there's no big hits, I left for my fitness exercise in gym. I may pick up swimming sometime in this summer.

It would run up 2-2.5 hour, back, shoulder+leg, and breast, each on every other day. I rest on weekends. It's totally self- training, I have been directed by trainer for almost 3 months and now I know when I am and what to do.

I left gym after a soothing shower (always delightful) at 2pm, then I took bus for my lunch, McDonald, double cheese hamburg plus a big villa milkshake- "I got a straw, and I drank them all!"

When I got back home, I checked the market with my Thinkpad and decided what to do- usually doing nothing, like today- they I sat nice on my big sofa with my PC on my knee, I typed down a few words on my Blogger- a habit to develop. I'd use English for my blog to practise my English, and it's also easy to type. I will also use Chinese for some more complicated comments and ideas.

This is just a prevention for me from becoming a complete isolated fool. I know there will be no readers, but I publicize all of them nevertheless. I pretend that there are someone reading...


about China's economy control

As one doing daily trading on A Share markets, I witnessed the recent Sharp downturn of the stock markets both Shanghai and Shenzhen. I am in loss now, 10% is a comparably a shallow one comparing with the general investors' suffering.

Deep inside, I am impressed with Primer Win Jiabao's determination in controlling the skyrocketing inflation. As he succeeded his second tenure as the PM months ago, on the press conference, he stated his administration would achieve one goal, predominately important one, to curtain the inflation rate within 4.8% by the end of the year. I would never expected any west country's leader could pledge in such an ambitious declaration give the IR of last year is 8, and the first quarter of this year, 8.3.

I am sorry now not having kept his remark in mind, which resulted such a loss in my portfolio. His word was no joke.

We are heading to a painful economy slow-down in coming 6-12 months, that is inevitable. More and more investors are becoming bystanders with cash in their hands, even inflation bites their RMB bit by bit. Industry demands shall decrease, foods are more expensive, while real estates flag.

But there are trade-offs to it.

Evidences show many critical economical transformations happen in this stagnant rest-taking periods. When economy booming, who's going to give a second shot about whether it's going to last forever or not- we are putting our vast labour into some mechanical, back-breaking and endless work under inhuman environments, they can barely make their body and soul together with no future prospect. They have no time for self-education, easily be stricken down with even very common illnesses, because they may lost their job, consequently, put their family in danger.

For most enterprises and managers, they were just too busy/happy to make their low-tech products more widely sold and cheaper. As long as America, Japan and Europe are willing to buy or cannot afford to compete their product, they like to drag this to ultimate. Most of these managers are in 40-60, but senior manager usually above 50, their education backgrounds are poor- a leftover of the Big Culture Revolution, they ought to go ASAP.

Now their hard time is up, money just cannot come so easy as before, by simply exploiting worker and taking CCP officers. They cannot, at the same time, suppress their subordinate for long, who strife to overtake their positions.

The emerging young leaders must keep an eye on tech-renovation and upgrading, it's on of the two ways out. Another one? to die along with the CCP regime.

Environment protection and rehabilitation was considers as a cost increase in the past, managers shunned most of responsibilities with the regards. In Win's second tenure, they can no longer. More exacting policies now been mapped out and circulated. We need to slow pacing to check it carefully now.

More benefits to politcal reform and culture reform as well. I'd not to discuss them for now- too much for today.
